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    I would like to pay special tribute for help in locating content that I have received from Lara-May Thorne. Lara-May was, until recently a part-time worker at the headquarters of the New Zealand Section of The Theosophical Society in Auckland. She recognized the authenticity of Mr. Hodson’s approach and set out to do what she could to promote it. With her professional media skills, she helped considerably to gather together pictorial images, archival material and sound transcriptions and has helped to fill in some gaps for me, which I knew about but did not have access to. Mr. Hodson had previously sent me certain taped interviews, photographs and correspondence during his lifetime, but these were not in themselves sufficient to ornament a website of this nature to the best degree possible. In helping me to take my website to a new level I would also like to acknowledge the permission granted to me by Warwick Keys, who at the time was New Zealand National President of The Theosophical Society, to access the archive kept by the audio visual manager, the late Charles Sitwell. Some very useful photographs and an audio extract were obtained from this source. I would particularly like to thank Warwick for responding to my request for an image of one of the Masters of the Wisdom – The Master Polidorus Isurenus - who had so much to do with inspiring the inner meaning of religion and mythology into Mr. Hodson’s consciousness and to Lara-May for sending me the dedication of the Master’s picture made by Sandra Hodson  on its  reverse. The  Master’s image gazes down benignly from the President's living room wall at Theosophical Headquarters in Auckland. Thanks are also due to Murray Stentiford M.Sc the former National Vice-President and National Education coordinator, and currently National Lecturer for the The Theosophical Society in New Zealand. Murray, as both a musician and a trained scientist, collaborated with Mr. Hodson in his researches, especially into music forms and sub-atomic particles. I would also like to mention Katinka Hesselink who put my earlier material on her own website, thinking it had been abandoned. In actual fact I had taken the site down when I moved from Australia to New Zealand in December 2008 and it took me a long time to remove broken links and make the various enhancements to get it back up again, so thank you Katinka for continuing until I could get round to replacing the site in its current enhanced form. To Vic Hao Chin Jnr., the former President of The Theosophical Society in The Philippines, who published what I refer to as The Trilogy – three books prepared for publication by Sanda Hodson and which appeared after Mr. Hodson’s death. In this act of seeing through to publication the inner experiences of one of the greatest seers of modern times, Vic and his team have done more for the cause of genuine Theosophy than will ever properly be appreciated. To Dianna Dunningham-Chapotin, currently International Secretary of The Theosophical Order of Service and the god-daughter of Mr. Hodson, for sourcing some interesting photographs of Mr. Hodson's meeting with Shiva Swami (a South Indian yogi who was an embodiment of the awakened state and recognized the self-same process in Mr. Hodson).


    Finally, for all those quotations and illustrations that I have made on the basis of fair use from journal articles and publications of The Theosophical Publishing House (Adyar), Quest Books (U.S.A.), The Theosophical Publishers (Philippines) and other publishing houses of past and present and links to The Alpheus website, New Zealand Post Ltd, and some other sources (who wish to remain anonymous), I extend my most grateful thanks. Also, for any illustrations that I have used which may infringe the copyright of the owners I request their indulgence and hope they will kindly understand and donate their work for this purpose of attempting to unveil an unusual kind of truth, which in past centuries has been supressed because of its very capacity for liberating humanity from bondage, when others wanted to control it in various ways. 

Bill Keidan 


