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Booklist & Media

*Designates a booklet or pamphlet 

T.P.H. denotes Theosophical Publishing House. 


The Call to the Heights T.P.H. Quest. 1976. 

Destiny  T.P.H. 1936. 

First Steps on the Path T.P.H. 1928. 

The Inner Side of Church Worship T.P.H. 1930. 

Meditations on the Occult Life T.P.H. 1968. 

The Pathway to Perfection T.P.H. 1973. 

The Path to the Masters of the Wisdom * The T.S. in New Zealand 1980, 20 pages.  

The Priestly Ideal The St. Alban Press, 1971. 

The Soul’s Awakening (Talks on Occultism and The Occult Life) 2nd revised edn. T.P.H. 1963. 

The Spiritual Significance of Motherhood*.  

Thus Have I Heard  T.P.H. 1929. 

A Yoga of Light* T.P.H. 1954, A  simple structured form of yoga said to be suitable for Westerners – inspired by the Indian yogi and sage, Sri Ramana Maharshi. 29 pages. 

Krishnamurti and the Search for Light  St Alban Press, circa 1939. 61 pages. A rebuttal of  J. Krishnamurti’s iconoclastic teachings, but with an acknowledgement of some of his positive insights.  


American Lectures Theosophical Press, Wheaton, Ill., 1929

Clairvoyance and the Serpent Fire* T.S. in America (undated) 12 pages.  

Clairvoyant Research and Life After Death* T.P.H. 1935, 30 pages. 

Man’s Supersensory and Spiritual Powers T.P.H. 1964, talks given on Australian Radio Station2GB. 

Music Forms T.P.H. 1976. Contains coloured illustrations and descriptions of astral forms generated by musical compositions. T.P.H. Adyar 

Occult Powers in Nature and in Man T.P.H. 1956

The Science of Seership  Rider, London 1933? A seminal book, dealing with the occult anatomy of clairvoyance with examples of how the ability can be used in medical diagnosis, scientific research with far memories of historical events. 

Some Experiments in Four Dimensional Vision (with Alexander Horne) Rider, 1933. 


Highlights of Theosophy* International Theosophical Centre, Huizen, N. Holland, 1971. 

Lecture Notes, The School of the Wisdom (Vols. I & II) T.P.H. 1955. 

Basic Theosophy  (A condensation of Lecture Notes above) T.P.H. 1981. 

The Miracle of Birth T.P.H. 1929. Clairvoyant observations during the nine months of pregnancy. 

Reincarnation - Fact or Fallacy? T.P.H. Quest, 1972.  

The Seven Human Temperaments T.P.H. 1952. 

Theosophy Answers Some Problems of Life T.P.H. 1961. 

Through the Gateway of Death (A message to the bereaved) T.P.H. 1953.  

Vital Questions Answered T.P.H. 1959. 

Clairvoyant Investigations of Christian Origins and Ceremonial The St Alban Press, 1977. 

The Christ Life from Nativity to Ascension, Quest Books, 1975. The gospel story interpreted as profound spiritual allegory and symbolism. 

The Concealed Wisdom in World Mythology T.P.H. 1983. The spiritual allegories in the Greek myths that are missing from conventional interpretations. 

The Hidden Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures* T.P.H. in America, 1956, 24pages. 

The Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible (Vols. I - IV)  T.P.H. 1963-1980 original hardcover, some repetition, no index. 

The Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible (Vols. I & II) T.P.H. Quest, indexed.  

Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible Vols I &II   T.P.H. Quest,1993,1994   a very efficient and effective abridged version - ideal for the ordinary reader.

The Psychedelic and the Yogic Pathways to Reality* T.P.H. 1968


At the Sign of the Square and Compasses. Eastern Federation International Co-Freemasonry, Adyar, 1976 

The Occult Philosophy Concealed within Freemasonry International Co-Freemasonry, New Zealand, 1985.


The Brotherhood of Angels and of Men T.P.H. 1927. Angelic and human cooperation – advice from the archangel Bethelda.  

Be Ye Perfect  T.P.H. 1928 - angelic guidance on human education through occult psycho-social stages. 

The Angelic Hosts T.P.H. 1928. More advice from the angels. 

Man, the Triune God  T.P.H. 1952  

Angels and the New Race T.P.H. 1929 

The Coming of the Angels Rider, 1935 

Fairies at Work and at Play T.P.H. 1925 

The Kingdom of Faerie T.P.H. 1927 

The Kingdom of the Gods  T.P.H. 1952 – incl. coloured illustrations of angels – a landmark in angelology. 

The Supreme Splendour T.P.H. 1967 – A vision of Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis given by an archangel. 

Clairvoyant Investigations T.P.H. Quest 1984 – incl. coloured illustrations of angels of New Zealand and music thought forms.

Sharing the Light - The Collected Articles of Geoffrey Hodson compiled by John and Elizabeth Sell (see details under Journal Articles below)


Health and the Spiritual Life* 1926, 31 pages. 

An Occult View of Health and Disease* date of publication not known, 52 pages. 

New Light on the Problem of Disease 

Plant Foods, Their Nutrient Properties

Radiant Health from a Meat-free Diet

The Way to Perfect Health


An Animals’ Bill of Rights

Animals and Men, the Ideal Relationship

Authentic Stories of Intelligence in Animals

The Case for Vegetarianism*  

The Humanitarian Cause* Theosophical Order of Service, New Zealand, undated, 6 pages. 

Our Friends the Animals

The Case for the Abolition of Vivisection Auckland, undated, 1971, 25 pages. 

UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT (in fairly wide circulation):

Aquarian Occultist,  biography written by  John K. Robertson D.D. from interviews with Mr. Hodson, 1971. This is believed to be underway for publication by The Theosophical Publishers in The Philippines.

POSTHUMOUS PUBLICATIONS (compiled by Sandra Hodson)


Light of the Sanctuary - The Occult Diary of Geoffrey Hodson The Theosophical Publishers, Manila, The Philippines, 1988 

Downloadable version of Light of the Sanctuary - The Occult Diary of Geoffrey Hodson ical

The Yogic Ascent to Spiritual Heights Stellar Books, Manila, The Philippines, 1991. 

Illuminations of the Mystery Tradition T.P.H., Manila, Philippines, 1992. 


The following books are online at the present time:

Geoffrey Hodson

America, Birthplace of a New Race, included in Part Four of 'Theosophy Answers Some Problems of Life', 1953, The Theosophy Library

American Lectures, on Clairvoyance, The Theosophy Library

The Angelic Hosts, The Theosophy Library

Angels and the New Race, The Theosophy Library

Be Ye Perfect, The Theosophy Library

Clairvoyance and the Serpent Fire, The Theosophy Library

Clairvoyant Research and the Life After Death, The Theosophy Library

The Hidden Wisdom in Christian Scriptures, The Theosophy Library

Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible, Volume I (excerpts), Volume II (excerpts), 1993, The Theosophical Society in America

The Inner Side of Church Worship, 1930, The Theosophy Library

The Kingdom of Faerie, 1927, The Theosophy Library

Krishnamurti and the Search for Light, circa 1939, Alpheus

Man: A Pilgrim God, from Man: The Triune God, The Theosophy Library

Man: The Triune God, The Theosophy Library

Man: The Triune God, 1925, The Global Library

The Miracle of Birth: A Clairvoyant Study of Prenatal Life, 1929, The Theosophy Library

New Light on the Problem of Disease, 1930, The Theosophy Library

The Seven Human Temperaments, 1952/1956, The Theosophy Library

Seven Radio Talks on Theosophy, The Theosophy Library

The Spiritual Significance of Motherhood, The Theosophy Library

Theosophy for the Lawyer, Theosophist 1947, The Theosophy Library

Through the Gateway of Death, A Message to the Bereaved, 1953, The Theosophy Library

Thus Have I Heard, Godspeed, 1928, The Theosophy Library

Thus Have I Heard, 1928, The Global Library

The World Teacher (chapters X to XII of "Thus Have I Heard"), 1929, Alpheus

A Yoga of Light, 1954, The Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society, Sydney

Sandra Hodson and Mathias J. van Thiel (compilers)

C. W. Leadbeater, A Great Occultist, (various authors), Katinka Hesselink.Net


Mr. Hodson wrote close to three hundred articles for various journals such as The Theosophist, Theosophy in New Zealand etc. Some of these have been incorporated into the contents of certain of his books, others stand alone as fascinating glimpses of a seer in his travels around the world e.g. Impressions of the Giant Sequoias World Theosophy, June 1932, Occult Research into Early American Inhabitants, The Theosophist, January 1932, Clairvoyant Observation of the Ceremonial Magic of the Aztecs, Theosophy in New Zealand, February 1957, An African Witch-Doctor, Theosophy in New Zealand, December 1955. Many of these articles have been incorporated into a two volume collection prepared by New Zealand Theosophical students John and Elizabeth Sell entitled:

Sharing the Light - The Collected Articles of Geoffrey Hodson compiled by John and Elizabeth Sell edited by John Sell, Elizabeth Sell and Roselmo Z. Doval Santos, The Theosophical Publishing House, Quezon City, Philippines, 2008:

Sharing the Light_image.jpg 



During his lifetime Mr. Frank Wilson of The Theosophical Society in Auckland, New Zealand made  a comprehensive collection of audio-cassette recordings of Mr. Hodson’s lectures including talking books of The Pathway to Perfection, The Supreme Splendour and A Yoga of Light.  I also recorded some sessions myself when I was living in Perth, Western Australia during Mr. Hodson's stay in 1973. Especially helpful, I find are his workshop tapes on the different forms of yoga, it is fascinating to get a take from someone who was an accomplished yogi himself - it helps the student to decide where to put their emphasis.  I imagine there are approximately 200+ recorded audio tapes, I have 133 in my own possession, some of which are duplicates or poor recordings.

It is understood that the collection compiled by Frank Wilson had been sent from the New Zealand Section to The American Section of  The Theosophical Society, apparently for archival purposes. In addition, several National Sections of The Theosophical Society such as The Australian Section keep substantial numbers of Mr. Hodson's talks in their audio-tape libraries.  Mr. Hodson's major lectures were delivered in a more formal style than the conversational manner which has come into vogue of recent times. He studied the speeches of Sir Winston Churchill and a certain similarity can be detected in his presentation. This was not only for the sake of dramatic impact, but also because in many places that he visited facilities were not at that time available for amplification, and he felt it to be a courtesy that his audience should be able to hear him clearly. For the student of spiritual matters the power, compassion and sincerity in Mr. Hodson's voice (activation of the throat chakram) supports the belief (not confirmed until after his death) that he was actually an advanced Initiate and therefore also spoke to a great extent on behalf of The Inner Government of the World as one of their human mouthpieces to humanity - certainly their lavish attention to his lectures from the inner planes and expressions of appreciation in The Occult Diary would leave one with this impression. Such people pass our way so seldom that it is worth retrieving what they have to say from as many sources as possible and audio tapes are a good supplement to his written material.


Sadly, very little exists of a video nature in the case of Mr. Hodson, considering the many thousands of hours of talks he gave during his lifetime. However, we are grateful for the far-seeing nature of The Theosophical Society in America. When Mr. Hodson spoke there in 1977 they videoed two of his talks entitled Interpretations of the Life and Teachings of Christ and The Hierarchy of Earth's Adepts. I am grateful to the American Section for allowing me to use a fifteen minute extract from the latter in the section entitled The Inner Government. In this way you can get an idea of the impact and presence of this remarkable Theosophist, who even towards the end of his life, drew significant audiences whenever he spoke.

